Treatment available for headaches, stroke, seizures and epilepsy, head trauma (brain hemorrhages, skull fractures, etc.), radiculopathy, neuropathy, Spinal disc herniation, Cervical spinal stenosis and Lumbar spinal stenosis, Hydrocephalus, Parkinson’s disease, memory loss, sleep disorders, and various infections including Meningitis and abscesses and tumors of the nervous system, Intractable pain of trauma patients and cranial/peripheral nerve pain. Sleep, EEG, EMG, NCS, and Psychodiagnostic tests including IQ testing is available.
Various treatment are also available for female patients on Whitish discharge, Infections of the vagina, UTI and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, irregular menstrual periods, heavy menstrual periods, absent menstrual periods, painful menstrual periods, Premenstrual Syndrome, Prolapse of pelvic organs, Incontinence of urine, Cancer of females. Detailed evaluation is also availble for pregnancy including painless delivery and cesarian for childbirth, and care for postpartum period, and tubal ligation.
For couples wishing for child, whole male and female evlauation for cause of infertility and its treatment is available. Various problem females face is hormonal problem (PCOD), tubal blockage, uterine problems, age-related factors, endometriosis. Similarly male have deficiencies in the semen, and semen quality, for which detialed investigation and cofidential treatment is availble. Whole basket of infertility treatment options like IUI, IVF, ICSI, ZIFT, GIFT, that are called assisted reproductive technology (ART) techniques is available at competitive cost.